Saturday, October 27, 2012

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More than blood, the knee also landed bruises after I was some French transferred to a safe place.
WWII: day twice shot down, also survived, what impact do you have,wholesale nfl jerseys?
Galland: I am worried that I might get grounded for a long period of time, this is what I'm most worried about, instead I lost two aircraft.
WWII: You talk about your legs disability British ace, Wing Commander Douglas • Bard (Douglas Bader) friendship.
Galland: August 9, he was in an air combat was shot down when parachuting him an artificial leg to stay in his Spitfire and an artificial leg when he landed crashed. through the International Red Cross, the United Kingdom sent a replacement prosthetic, they promised to airdrop a pair., however, before they airdrop the first Air Force Base bombing some we prosthetic to Bade An on, and he sent to a POW camp. From this experience we became good friends, until a few years before his death.
WWII: How did you get in 1941 became the fighter Director?
Galland: Ernst • Udet (Ernst Udet) committed suicide after Nov. 17, Maud Wales back from Russia to prepare for the funeral, but he also hit some telephone lines because their plane, the Heinkel He 111 while the victims when he is the fighter Director rank of colonel. attended the funeral of the two men,Green Bay Packers Jerseys, Göring called me aside and appointed me as the successor of Maude Wales in the German army is entirely possible , but this is in your country's armed forces may not be realistic. thereafter, Gerhard the, (Gerhardt Schoepfel), • Xipufeier successor January 28, JG 26 commander .1942, I went to Berlin, Hitler 3rd times met with me and my medal with diamonds.
WWII: in February 1942, the battle cruiser Scharnhorst (Scharnhorst), and Geneisennao number (Gneisenau) and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen number (Prinz Eugen) completed the the famous Strait onrush (three warships originally stationed in France, its forces Nordic adventure through the English Channel by the British air force during the onslaught.) you had command of the fighter its cover is how you dry?
Galland: I arranged a few wing fighter turns air cover for these warships, like an air umbrella to resist the attacks of the British aircraft we knew that we would have some battle damage, but the German Air Force shot down a British aircraft and warships have not been a blunt instrument, this successful experience makes me feel very proud.
WWII: after you began to sit in their offices?
Galland: Yes, in 1942 I was promoted to brigadier general, and later was promoted to Major General, and then I just turned 30 years old.
WWII: It's great.

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