Tuesday, June 5, 2012

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Intelligence Director would like a long time, suddenly stood, bowed and said: Intelligence service extremely useful, but usually has not Gudalasi of attention, quite inferior position in which the child of one Zhong Chen, like the nobility errands family in general. This time to encounter such a sub-file, also claim to be proud a return to the Commissioner spirited authentic: Gudalasi puzzled and looked at him: Information the Director cleared his throat and continued: the armed forces of our days piano star to really annoy a group of pirates, but brutal revenge harder to imagine a decade ago Dawa star angered the pirates, the entire planet was destroyed, things still fresh in our memory those rebels will consider the consequences. 古达拉斯舒 launched a brow, patted the shoulder of the information the Commissioner to show commendation: when you can is my hero! The hero of shit! Either for those who treasure, I was not stupid enough for this idiot tried it! Of course, this is only the information the Director mind fleeting idea, naturally not stupid enough to say it. After all, those who treasure the moment are still the His Majesty's secret warehouse.
Intelligence network, this is a secret underground organization, so not much to suffer much damage in the riots, and white Joan soon made contact.
The Xiaoya looked the other party sent a message on the screen, immediately still stuffy Zhongjie Mei said: Heard of income-generating livelihoods, some of the face for sisters, Regulus quiet quickly asked: Here the rulers, but also

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