Saturday, June 2, 2012

every baseball team do some passable nothing more. Ling Xiao neatly clean up the dishes

A skill. Condensate leaves the first time the level attained Ling Xiao early meal, the Fangxiawankuai watched him eat. Xiao Ling naturally feel condensate leaves the eyes, in fact, have some feeling from the beginning of the leaf Grandma room. Ling Xiao only do not know, he did not want between the two of some unpleasant, after all, only cooperation. complete agreement on what others think of others things that others, he also knows better than to go to interference degree.
Xiao Ling would like to mention, but leaves the condensate, but could not help it relates to the matter of the Ye family, she did not dare to despise, see Ling Xiao clean up the dishes we should go to the kitchen, Ye Ning the first time with the help of Ling Xiao clean up, but no done these things, do some passable nothing more. Ling Xiao neatly clean up the dishes, gave leaf condensate brew a cup of tea, knowing that tonight leaves condensate will not miss him, and simply sitting in front of her, she the speaker.
Ye Ning Kanliao Yan front of the tea, Kanliao Yan in front of humanity, at Road and then monthly to give you fifty thousand, and regarded the care of her grandmother paid. condensate leaves the meaning Ling Xiao understand you saying to open the previous compensation agreement to get married, since you have to take care of Grandma leaves, then I give you a reward, the other would not have to have any idea .
Ye Ning direct vision of Xiao Ling's eyes, want to see him in the end what is the idea, but Xiao Ling's eyes is like a cosmic black hole, like the endless, even at the end do not know where the condensate leaves nothing, opening, not the same,every baseball team, my grandmother does not like the nanny to serve her, is to spend one hundred thousand less than a care, so they give you fifty thousand I did not lose. This is perhaps the condensate leaves the champions had an agreement not afraid of you how to toss the initiative in the hands of the Ye family.
Xiao Ling thought for a moment, of course, the nanny in this industry can not think of one of Xiao Ling rejected,women s nike air max, but also leaves condensate convinced that he is there for other purposes. Ye Ning kind of asking for trouble of feeling, the heart is very angry, his tone sharp up voice up, but for fear of the leaves grandmother heard, it is estimated that the volume of a bomb explosion, everyone should know that enough is enough. Xiao Ling finally leaves condensate in the room revealed the eyes, for the condensate leaves the point of view, he was a little angry, how say you, whether it is directed at the leaf condensate leaves grandmother, Ling Xiao try to make myself a little better, although it is just a piece of paper, but it is also a dream for Ling Xiao, but he never

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