Saturday, June 30, 2012

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In the history of the army, savage and cruel as a tradition is always retained. Early as before World War II, Japanese forces began to consciously strengthen the national sense of national pride of the soldiers, non-stop to promote Sino-Japanese War (18941895) and the Russo-Japanese War (19,041,905) of the success of the entire Japanese are advancing in the frenzy of war . The Japanese have such barbaric militarism majority of performance was very submissive, almost no one to resist, those individuals and groups against the war of aggression in Japanese society is very isolated.
, With Japan continue to send more troops overseas, the Japanese recruitment system covering the whole country soon after the start of World War II, and even a lot of people will be convened two or three times. Japanese propaganda can be said to do everything we can, but when the recruits arrived at the new barracks, began their first training session after all the publicity boast and encouraging words will be evaporated immediately. What may be the world's most Savage sergeant began to teach the new recruits, slapped, punched and kicked as routine, in a very short period of time will these recruits become fierce and worthy of the name of the Japanese Imperial Army.
For example, recruits swim training, instructors will recruit tied up, then suddenly pulled down into the water from the ship, until the choke was not breathing before they pulled the slow tones, and then advancing into the water again. When the recruits face with bamboo, leather slippers, playing not adult-like, never Xu have any complaints,oakley polarized sunglasses, or even respectfully thanked. Veterans tortured recruits in the Japanese army is called subjects. Veterans regardless of bored or suddenly see who is not pleasing to the eye, will immediately begin to punish recruits. Prior to the implementation of punishment, will usually inform recruits to instill in them the soldier soul, and then command the recruits in a row, set his teeth to keep standing, the veterans of this one by one with a fist lesson recruits. Which can be considered good, belts,oakley womens sunglasses, sticks, wooden guns, and other objects of the veterans on hand almost all the possible lessons of recruits tool, or this is not the subjects but pure assault.
In this kind of education, recruits brain can not these three words. Let dry, it must be dry, but must do a good job, even doing to try this idea can not be. This is also the quality of the Japanese army is higher than most countries reason, because here is simply devoid of humanity and conscience as the most fundamental goals of education, soldiers trained in this kind of education is far less than the fear of death fear of the Executive.
One hundred thousand defenders of the Japanese army in the Battle of Okinawa, the face of the absolute superiority of the U.S. military naval and air forces and ground forces, in almost isolated case, insist on more than a battle in March, causing enormous losses to the Americans. Thousands of people at the end of the battle in addition to more than 9,000 people were ordered to surrender all the rest of war, has fully demonstrated the tenacious Japanese will to fight, also shows that this education of the Japanese troops to a war machine for shaping high efficiency.
Fortunately, since World War II such brutal training methods has been reduced significantly by the U.S. influence recruits training in Japan began scientific and systematic up. But even if the United States Military Academy at West Point, newborn bullied is also very common phenomenon in the Japan Self-Defense Forces recruits status is still at the very bottom.
I am glad you can not tolerate

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